Our Favorite Recipes DessertCategoriesAll CategoriesBakingBreadsCookingDumplingsMeatsPastasRiceSaucesSoupsCountriesAfghanistanItaly DessertNewest firstOldest firstAlphabetical (A-Z)Alphabetical (Z-A)Afghani Sheer Pira (Milk Fudge)By DarrenThis Afghani dessert is simply delicious! Think silky vanilla fudge with crunchy walnuts and pistachios. We snagged this wonderfully simple recipe from Afghan Food Kitchen on YouTube.
Afghani Sheer Pira (Milk Fudge)By DarrenThis Afghani dessert is simply delicious! Think silky vanilla fudge with crunchy walnuts and pistachios. We snagged this wonderfully simple recipe from Afghan Food Kitchen on YouTube.